Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Questions You Can't Really Google Comics

Great scott! A new comic? Brb, running outside to see if the sky has fallen.

Click the image for the version you can actually read.

Also it looks like all the pictures in old posts are broken, but I think that's just 'cause imgur is doing server maintenance. If you come back in a few hours they should all be back up.


  1. I love the "will I die if I eat this?" - I can HEAR you saying it in the lettering!!!

  2. ahhaha, fresh off the press awesomeness once again :)
    also that backpack looks strangely familiar..

  3. Heheh thanks Kate! Just for the record, I didn't die.

    Jazzy would you believe I didn't even have to google image search "backpack" to draw that baby. :p

  4. hmmm, how do you say are you okay without actually asking are you okay?

  5. Indeed...where DID all the port go?
